a cartography of paradise
I recognised in my exploration of the garden as an expression of a human desire for paradise, of nature devoid of danger, controlled and designed around the human experience, that the maps of these gardens, whether of the area or the landscape designs, represented an extraordinary contrast in perception. A two-dimensional drawing - lines, marks, names - versus the all-encompassing subjective experience of being in these gardens. By layering the one over the other, I wanted to highlight the complexity of our perception and experience of place. Blurring is an attempt to avoid the distractions of detail, and to remind us of the subjective view. We peer, however, through a layer of design, a distraction of words and notations, and we are reminded where we are and the sense of a specific place is maintained. I have written some details about the inspiration for some of these paintings, which may further explain them. When I painted them I deliberately gave them enigmatic titles, that if researched, would eventually lead the curious to the right garden. In reality, of course, who does that? So here, all is revealed!